The population of Hornby is aging, the school population has been in a long-term decline, and there is a need to start attracting new residents, with a focus on young people and families. One of our goals will be to take their input into future years to address major obstacles they see, and help capitalize on opportunities identified. Activities to date include:
- Supporting initiatives to provide AFFORDABLE HOUSING on Hornby Island. Currently, 2024, the 26 unit Beulah Creek Village project has final approvals. Funding is in place. FMI:
- In the Spring of 2020 construction on a new Hornby Island Elementary School got started. The completion date is estimated September, 2021. A nice modular school is currently in place, constructed in response to a major fire destroying the existing school buildings.
- The Hornby Pre-school believes "the present and future wellbeing of our community and beyond depends on our community, families and their children being supported in their right to develop to their fullest potential.
- Investigating options for seasonal workforce housing and affordable housing.
- Help improve infrastructure that is attractive and enabling for young people to live here.
- Support development of recreational activities at Joe King Park.
- Mitigate the "digital divide" between urban and rural areas. Improved internet infrastructure is one of the key HICEEC projects designed to support education, online working from home, health services, private entertainment, etc. (refer to the "Digital Roadmap & Implementation Plan" tab on this website:
- Hosting the Home Grown Home Conference in the fall of 2015, an inclusive forum for sharing information about the opportunities and culture of the Island.